#WPFD marked with discussion on book by multi-award winning journalist

It was an amazing and insightful moment when the United States Agency for Global Media(USAGM) Training Network partnered with the award-winning Journalist- Lady Ejiro Umukoro on 2024 World Press Freedom Day to share insightful content from her newly approved book titled-Distortion.


The conversation which was via a virtual session on Friday, May 3, 2024 intensified the experiences of the author from her investigative  journalistic work and need to prioritize mental health while taking full responsibility in conjunction with the World Press Freedom Day Celebration Themed; “A Press for the Planet: Journalism in the Face of the Environmental Crisis”


The facilitator of the event, Inna Dubinsky who is the training and development project manager at the U.S. Agency for Global Media, kick started the session by asking the author what inspired her to write the book titled “Distortion”.


The author, Ejiro ‘Lady E’ Umukoro, replied that it was based on her past experiences as an investigative journalist in Nigeria and other countries of the world.

She further stated that the book had major characters model after four persons: Abu (an outstanding pharmacist, Akpobrume (a hardball driven investigative journalist), Mama G (a widow) and Kojo (who represents the voices of children).

Abu, as a key protagonist set the tone of the story. He constantly battled with communal segregation and subjugation despite his timely contribution as a pharmacist to the local community who really needed his skills but relegated his personality to the background.

This unconsciously led him into depression, which later impaired his mental health with time in a manner he did not see coming.


Lady Ejiro explained that this scene is a reality of what transpires in the Nigerian society and global landscape where racial discrimination is being practiced.

Speaking further on another character in the book called Mama G, a feminine personality, represents how the life of women can become an odious task to survive, especially when the society seek to silence their voices.

The author’s capacity to weave how distorted practices in the society through the eyes and experiences of each character can be felt throughout the book.


Umukoro in depicting Mama G’s character was to expose as well as encourage mothers and daughters to be aware of how vulnerable they are in a complicated society.

She asserted that: “People are after you in a certain way you don’t realize it via what I call your vulnerability pointers. Don’t be a victim, do live your life as a victim, victimhood is not something we should normalise. And we can begin to do this by being accountable and also try to take responsibility for our thoughts, ideas, actions and the activities we engage in.”


During the discussion, opportunities were offered to participants who wanted clarification and suggestions from the author during the Q & A session. Paula Caffey asked Lady E, the author if during the course of her investigative work, there was anytime she was fearful.

The author heartily replied: “Fear is just an emotional tool, an indicator or stimulus that limits those who welcome it in, because self doubt and fear go hand in hand. Fear is a pointer for you to be aware to raise your awareness of or heighten sense of urgency in preparation for an event, a happening or an action you have to take or about to happen. Fear thus prepares you.”


She asserted boldly that she was not overwhelmed by fear as such explaining that “Despite the right to life, none of us, including myself is aware when death simply takes over. We only die once. So, if that’s going to happen, why should I allow the fear of death overwhelm me? To deal with fear, I simply ask myself, ‘can I do this task’? If yes, I dig deeper: what do I need to get it done? What challenges will come up and how do I address them to get it done. That’s how I deal with it and or simply choose not to because I don’t want to.”


As excitement about the book DISTORTION continued to build on, the conversation took another dimension when Bridget Hall who was thrilled to attend the event asked Lady Ejiro how she was able to get suspects and victims open up to her during critical investigative interviews.


Umukoro replied: “People know when you are sincere, just address them with compassion, putting yourself in their shoes and begin your questioning from the simple and easy questions that makes them relax and trust you. You’ll be amazed how quickly and willing they will open up!”


When the author was asked how Journalists were faring in terms of their mental health in Nigeria, Lady E further explained that plans were already in place to make Journalists aware of how to deal with depressing or traumatic moments in the course of their practice. Using herself as a case study, she explained how she was sucked in, in a bid to get justice for the five girls used for ritual because she couldn’t draw the line between when to withdraw or continue.

She said, “At one point not realising that I had been sucked into the horrific stories of these women and children, which was very much unlike me as I am good at setting up emotional walls, the time came that I needed to seek help. I’m still recovering from all of that impact. Journalism is now a profession under fire financially and in terms of job security in Nigeria, I seriously encourage Journalists to seek out tools for self care and mental health management and prevention.”

“Often journalists don’t immediately know that the demotivation and lack of energy to do their work are actually symptoms of depressed state, a mental health pointer. At LightRay! Media when we hosted the 100 Women in Media Leadership Summit in 2023 and now as the convener of the African and Global Women in Media Leadership, we offer these trainings and even reach out to women and men including campus students who need this important support system to inspire them to stay mentally healthy and resilient.”


The  event, was rounded off by Inna Dubinsky who appreciated the speaker and author of the book ‘Distortion’ for such a thrilling, deeply insightful, mind blowing, and amazing interview session.


It would be recalled that DISTORTION by Ejiro Umukoro, a literary book, was endorsed by the Ministry of Eduation and Delta State Government for students across schools.


Indeed it was an impactful moment for high number of participants from across the continents who left the book discussion on ‘Distortion’ more enlightened on various trauma encountered by Journalists and how to face environmental crisis which coincidentally is the crux of the 2024 World Press Freedom Day Celebration.

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