Vacancies: Photojournalism training consultants


African Women in Media (AWiM) has a number of PAID training consultancies for interested experienced photojournalists.

The vacancies are in this link

The consultants will develop training packages for Photojournalists in Africa.

Deadline for the application is  25 Sept 2020 

This training project aims to build the capacity of African photojournalists in Africa.

The consultant will be required to do the following:

  • Design and develop an online course package. This will include pre-recording of 10 modules and production of any additional training materials;
  • Produce engaging materials including, but not limited to short videos and quizzes;
  • Produce promotional videos and commentaries for the course;
  • Be available to edit one edition of AWiM’s newsletter relating to the project;
  • Be available for a maximum of four 1-hour live webinars if required.

For full details click



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