Two Nigerians nominated for Africa investigative journalism award

Banjo Damilola

Banjo Damilola, award-winning Nigeria investigative journalist and Yusuf Akinpelu, Head of Data Desk Premium Times Nigeria have been nominated for the Norbert Zongo (PAJI-NZ) African Prize for Investigative Journalism.

Nominees for the investigative journalism award were drawn from four categories: newspaper press, radio, television and online press. Both Banjo and Akinpelu were nominated for the online category.

Scheduled from November 10 to 13, the organizers in a letter to nominees said that the prize will be awarded during the International Festival of Freedom of Expression and Press (FILEP) in Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso.

Reacting to the award, Akinpelu, according to Premium Times, dedicated his recognition to everyone who has played a role in his development.

Yusuf Akinpelu

He was quoted to have said in the online newspaper that the recognition came “at a time I least expected”.

“Fulfilling to tell the stories of others, hold people accountable and drive impact for societal benefit” but most importantly “it is always a pleasure to add to the body of knowledge in public discourse,” said Akinpelu.

Banjo however told Media Career Development Network that she would not be attending the event.

“I have a medical appointment that I would rather not reschedule,” said Banjo.

She also added on her Facebook page that “I shall be living vicariously through my colleague @beeblahi95 who will be attending the event.”

Banjo recently graduated with a Masters Degree at the Columbia Journalism School, New York, United States of America. Before her academic study, she had worked with Sahara Reporters and the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). She also freelanced for Premium Times and the International Centre for Investigative Reporting (ICIR).

Since 2007, the Norbert ZONGO Prize has been awarded to the best investigative journalists in Africa, on the occasion of the International Festival of Freedom of Expression and Press (FILEP) which is held every two years in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.


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