Tribute: My encounter with Funtua Mr consider it done – NUJ Chairman

My heavy heartfelt condolence to the family of Mallam Ismailia Isa Funtua, an elder statesman, Publisher Defunct Democrat Newspapers, Former President Newspapers ProprietorsAssociation Of Nigeria, NPAN, business mogul and Chairman Governing  Council of The Nigerian Institute Of Journalism, NIJ., who died on Monday from cardiac arrest, according to reports.
His is a great loss to the Nation and the Media profession viewing his consistent commitments to journalism in Nigeria and globally.
I painfully recall our useful discussions at the last International Press Institute,IPI 2018 Congress in Abuja, where he shared his concerns and dreams of developmental journalism in Nigeria and Africa.
He was one of the leading lights of the foremost  International Press Institute,IPI , and instrumental to the successful hosting of the global IPI conference in Nigeria in 2018.
Soft-spoken and always in sparkling white, our late father was always full of life at the IPI meetings. As one of the youngest members of the IPI  2018  conference local organizing committee, I noticed his usual refrain after every meeting “consider it done “.
Worried about fundraising for the Conference, meeting with President Buhari and other huge logistics, Mallam is always calm and reassuring. He told me “ Chairman NUJ Lagos council, don’t bother about funds and logistics, consider them done”.
And so it was, as IPI 2018 delegates were full of praises for Nigeria at the farewell dinner.
It is heartwarming to also note that at the 2019 IPI congress in Geneva, Switzerland, delegates shared the good memories of Nigeria.
His legacies in the media industry are legendary. At the end of the review meeting on the successful hosting of the 2018 IPI congress in Abuja . The late media icon was quick to inform the committee of bequeathing lasting legacies to  IPI Nigeria and the NPAN.
The late publisher will also be remembered as a one-time employer of journalists at the defunct Democrat Newspapers and one of the founding members of Daily Trust Newspapers.
May Allah SWT bless his soul.
Dr Qasim Akinreti
Chairman NUJ
Lagos State Council.

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