The African Courier’s print edition relaunched

African Courier


The African Courier, a news platform for the African community in Germany, has relaunched its print edition after four years of being off the newsstand.

The magazine launched in 1998 as a bimonthly went fully digital in 2017 and discontinued the print edition to fully focus on the development of its online platform to a daily updated website complemented by a weekly email newsletter service and active social media activities.

The Publisher, Mr Femi Awoniyi explained in an editorial statement that the company has decided to restructure its operation in line with the dictates of a rapidly changing media industry faced by the constant challenge of sustainability.


“We have concluded that a creative combination of print and online offerings will be the ideal way of serving our community. Henceforth, The African Courier while remaining an online news medium will regularly publish print editions to address specific themes in curated special reports, “ Awoniyi stated.

The platform reports on the diaspora experience, with a focus on community life and issues of migration, discrimination and racism, African-German cultural exchange and generally on other issues of special interest to Africans.

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