South Africa’s Food For Mzansi did it!

In our first Window of the World series highlighting what journalists and organisations beyond Nigeria are doing with lessons to learn from, we report on the award won by Food For Mzansi, a South Africa-based media platform.

Food For Mzansi, a South Africa-based agricultural news publication has every reason to celebrate its global win during the week at the Digital Media Awards during the 75th World News Media Congress, Held in Copenhagen, Denmark.

It’s Farmer’s Inside Track podcast won the Best Podcast category with the global panel of judges commending the podcast for its “good targeted content” and “concise storytelling.”

In his LinkedIn post titled Mic Drop! announcing the winning of the award, Ivor Price, co-founder and editor-in-chief wrote: “We’re still buzzing with excitement (and maybe a little disbelief) to announce that Food For Mzansi’s Farmer’s Inside Track podcast has been crowned the world’s best podcast at the prestigious WAN-IFRA, the World Association of News Publishers Digital Media Awards!”

“This incredible achievement is a true testament to the dedication and passion of our entire team, especially our hosts Duncan Masiwa and Dawn Noemdoe, and our technical producer Meagan Van der Vent. A massive thank you to you all!

“Here’s the kicker: most of our recordings are done remotely via WhatsApp and Zoom – no fancy studios here! This win underscores the power of storytelling and the remarkable global impact of our podcast, reaching farmers in a staggering 92 countries.

“We’re incredibly grateful to our partners for their unwavering support, and we’re more motivated than ever to keep doing what we love.”

Farmer’s Inside Track, according to a report on Food For Manzi’a website, has built a dedicated audience not just in South Africa but in over 90 countries around the globe. The podcast is said to deliver valuable insights into agriculture through interviews with farmers, industry experts, and agripreneurs. It currently offers three different podcast editions each week.

Co-founder of Food For Mzansi, Kobus Louwrens, describes Farmer’s Inside Track as a vital resource for newly commercialising farmers across Africa.

“By sharing the stories and insights of experienced agricultural professionals, we aim to empower these farmers with the knowledge and confidence they need to succeed. This award motivates us to keep sharing these valuable stories and continue to be a champion for South Africa’s agricultural heroes,” he said.


*A media orgnisation can be niche focused instead of being covering everything and still be reckoned with.

* Take advantage of local and international awards to showcase your products

* If FFM can with this award with most of its recordings done remotely via WhatsApp and Zoom,  you don’t need all the gadgets to produce a quality product of international standard.


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