Solutions Report Monitor

Journalists in West Africa have published some solutions journalism reports on various sectors. Below are links to some reports.

Enlightenment as a tool to reduce maternal mortality in Nigeria

The birth of a baby brings joy to the community and ultimately compensates the mother for her endurance all through the nine months of pregnancy. Sadly, the statistics of maternal mortality rate remains very high in Nigeria


With Grassroots Influencers, the Campaign to End FGM Gains Ground in Oyo



Activist education to combat indiscriminate waste disposal

 Investigative Solutions Story: Months after Launch, Awotan Land Fill Yet to

Commence Recycling


Women farmers drive food security efforts in Oyo State


 In Rural Areas, Pregnant Women Prefer Traditional Birth Attendants–Pregnant-Women-Prefer-Traditional-Birth-Attendants–By-Munachi-Egbulonu-e1c4fhl


Women lawyers provide free legal support for SGBV Survivors in Oyo state


Oyo Women Farmers Take Lead on Security after Sensitisation Programme


How farmers in Abuja community use ‘agroforestry models’ to fight climate change

By intentionally growing crops among trees in a way that each crop does not inhibit the growth of the other, farmers in the Nigerian capital promote sustainable ecosystems that support efficient biodiversity.

How Abuja farmers use organic pesticides, disease control to reduce climate change effects

To prevent infections on newly propagated plants, one farmer rubs fluids from aloe vera plants on the exposed surface of the grafted plant

Delivering babies in a Nigerian camp: ‘I’ve had to use plastic bags as gloves’

After seeing a woman die in childbirth, Liyatu Ayuba stepped in and has now delivered 118 babies in a community cut off from public health services

Climate activists using education to combat reckless waste disposal

The environs of Ebenezer Anglican Primary School, Moniya, Ibadan used to be littered with used bottles, nylons, plastic bags amongst other waste materials. This was before students of the school learnt that waste can be converted into items used to beautify the environment.

Sexual Violence Is Endemic In Sokoto But A Law Firm Is Changing The Narrative

Together with her team, Rashida Muhammad is impacting the lives of victims in Nigeria’s Northwest.

Solutions-focused photo exhibition amplifies maternal health interventions

Nigeria Health Watch featured in a first of its kind photo exhibition tagged “Positive Deviance”. The photo exhibition was solutions journalism-inspired. Solutions Journalism tells the stories of how people are responding to social problems with the same energy that journalists put into telling stories about the problems.

How Nigerians Coped With Mental Stress During COVID-19 Lockdown

While the rest of the world grappled with the medical, physical and scientific onslaught of COVID-19, IFEDAYO OGUNYEMI writes on how those whose mental wellbeing were challenged survived the emotional and mental shut down in spite of the lockdowns.

How Nigerians coped with mental stress during COVID-19 lockdown

How active community case search transformed testing in Kano State

Kano State, once the epicenter in Nigeria for cases of COVID-19, now boasts the highest rate of daily testing numbers after piloting a community-sampling strategy that allowed for mass testing. The pilot was largely possible due to a massive community mobilization effort and resulted in a decline in community transmission.

Drug aid saving underprivileged from Nigeria’s healthcare 

#EndSARS: Impact Of Judicial Panels In Facilitating Justice For Victims Of Police Brutalities


The Climate Activists using Education to Combat Reckless Waste Disposal

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