Rule number one about making money from websites


More than uploading content on websites and blogs, every publisher needs to know what it really takes to make money online. Simeon Ateba, publisher of United States-based  in his facebook post republished below shares the golden rule about online income generation. 

When it comes to making money via your website, we all know the golden rule. You need to have a minimum of 69 and a half people on your site every minute, or 100 thousand people in 24 hours to generate $400 that day or $12000 a month.

This means every time you check your Google analytics, you need to see 69 and a half people on it….or let’s say, 70 people, as there is no half a person. This may seem big for small websites, but if you go to right now, you will see that there are 40 thousand people from around the world reading right now and going up.

As I was looking at, I saw 300 people reading this same story, ( and I was like, okay, if that’s what Nigerians have decided to read, so be it, read on, read on, share, spread, lol.

In essence, with 1.2 billion people in Africa, it should not be too hard to have just one million people reading you every day. That’s just $4000 that day or $120,000 that month.

This is money you generate from Google Adsense alone. That means very cheap ads online that need lots of clicks to generate just a dollar. To be precise, a thousand readers for just about $4. The good news is as your website gets popular, you begin to receive a lot of expensive direct adverts and partnerships as people try to promote their businesses and advance their agendas.

As a small website, your first target should be to hit just 100 thousand readers every day and make $12000 that month. That takes care of rent and basic things and flight tickets to cover more events and employ several freelance writers.

What is happening now is the big players like the New York Times and the Washington Post and USA today have millions of readers every day, as a result, they take 98 per cent of Google Adsense money and then take all the other adverts and partnerships because people go where there are readers. Tough environment, but you need to understand the rule to survive. That’s your rule number one!

Online Adverts

One of the challenges newspapers around the world face now is how to generate income, especially through online ads.

However, apart from attracting enough readers, you also need to know how to place ads on your company’s website that can give advertisers value for their hard-earned money.

At, we have found a solution, and can now place the best organic ads at strategic locations for advertisers to achieve visibility breakthrough. Even if you have a lot of readers, of what benefit will it be to me if my ad is not glowing?

If people cannot easily see it for every article or page they open? If I want to place an ad on your site, I want it to glow, to be visible and look extremely beautiful, something that will bring me customers and income, the type of ad that leads to conversions, to action.

The only reason I am advertising with you is to create more awareness about my business, to get more customers, to make more money and to emphasize a cause. Yes, it can be to damage a political opponent, but it’s the same thing. Having a lot of targeted readers is the starting point, not the end.

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