Resolve to be a better journalist in 2014

Resolve to be a better journalist

Lekan Otufodunrin writes on how journalists can make the best of 2014

At the beginning of every New Year, it is fashionable to make New Year resolutions. Many really desire and resolve to do things differently in the New Year. Unfortunately, only few manage to achieve their goals. Before many know, it is business as usual and they are back to their old ways of doing things which has adversely affected their progress in life.

The New Year is an excellent opportunity for every journalist to resolve to become a better professional. A new year allows for a review of one’s career and making the best of opportunities which the profession offers. The saying that he who fails to plan, plans to fail is very true in this instance. Leaving one’s professional career to chance or whims of an Editor or Publisher can be very costly.

It is important to come up with a properly articulated year plan to ensure that the New Year does not end like the past unfulfilling ones.

In making a professional resolution, every journalist should have a target of what he or she plans to achieve at the beginning of the year to measure the extent of progress as the year’s rolls by.

In resolving to be a better journalist, consider doing a self appraisal. Even without being told, it is easy to know if one is doing well or not as a journalist. If you are not sure of your personal judgment, take the risk of asking your superiors or colleagues for their honest opinion. When you know your current rating at work or in the profession, you should decide to take concrete steps to become a better journalist.

Whatever your beat or position, seek ways of improving on your performance. Don’t wait to be penalized for poor performance before realizing that you need to brace up at work.

For reporters, plan to be more diligent and adventurous in your daily news gathering. Set a realistic target for yourself on the number of exclusive reports you want to write every week or month. Work hard at getting outstanding and well-researched stories instead of being contented with routine reports.

“He said. He added” stories won’t get you too far in the profession. Do your best to exceed targets set for you. Don’t think you are doing your company a favor by working hard. Apart from your employers, many others are watching. Your hard work would be a plus when you need to move-on someday.

In the New Year, every editor, from the desk level up, should determine to earn their pay and a title by giving their staff the needed supervision and mentoring. Give your reporters the benefit of your experience and help them to excel. Shouting and bullying is not all you need to lead newsroom operations. Your reporters should respect you instead of being afraid of you.

Give your reporters good leads to work on and prove to them that you are the boss by, the quality of your insight and not threats.

Counsel them regularly and be concerned about their personal life. Reporters need to be in a good state of mind to do their work well. If the need arises, don’t fail to apply the stick.

As professionals, every journalist should constantly seek opportunities for training. If your organisation is not ready to sponsor you, be prepared to pay situation demands. It’s your career; don’t let any organization deny you the opportunity to improve your skill.

There are many opportunities for free training by media non-governmental organization and many other international fellowships and conferences you can take advantage of if you take time to search for them.

To keep up with the changes in media world, become fully Internet literate and utilize social media platforms for professional networking.

Practicing journalism in Nigeria could be very tough, but the truth is that it is not more difficult than practising other professions. If other professionals are finding a way to cope with depression which is affecting every sector, we don’t have any excuse to keep lamenting our fate. Journalism can work for you in 2014 if you work hard at it.

If you need support to media career development you can contact Lekan Otufodunrin.

Phone:  08023000621

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