Requirements for success in media entrepreneurship


Broadcaster and Life Coach, Jewel Onyeneke reports on insights shared by Lekan Otufodunrin, journalist and media career development specialist at training on “Understanding and Perfecting Basic Media Entrepreneurship Trends and Skills”


Worldwide, normal meetings and other social gatherings, including birthdays and weddings have been banned and confined to social media platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp, Zoom and YouTube in a bid to contain the spread of the coronavirus pandemic popularly known as COVID -19.

Regrettably, the 56th birthday of accomplished journalist and media career development specialist, Mr Lekan Otufodunrin fell during this period of social distancing and the activities slated to commemorate the event were held on some online platforms.

One of the activities was a seminar held on WhatsApp on Friday, 8th May 2020 with the theme “Understanding and Perfecting Basic Media Entrepreneurship Trends and Skills” which was organised by Adenike Fagbemi of NixxHash Communications and her team to help journalists see reasons why they should consider becoming entrepreneurs.

Otufodunrin who turned 56 on the 9th of May, 2020 was a former staff of both  The Nation and The Punch Newspapers and other media organizations where he held top management positions and is currently the Executive Director, Media Career Development Network and President, Journalists For Christ which he founded.

Against the background of the digital disruption of the media industry and the general economic depression, Otufodunrin who shared his experiences as a journalist and media entrepreneur and that of others emphasised the need for journalists to become entrepreneurs and start their own media-related businesses if the need arises.

He strongly advised participants to be business-like in their operations and charge appropriately for services they offer if they intend to make enough money from their endeavours, admonishing them not to be like him who still finds it difficult to charge as much as he should.

On rendering services, he cited the story of Bayo Omoboriowo who was appointed by President Muhammadu Buhari as his personal photographer after his exceptional service delivery during election campaigns across the country. In his words, “Bayo offered service during the campaign and was remembered when someone like him was needed in Aso Rock.”

Clarifying the concept of entrepreneurship, Otufodunrin said an entrepreneur is someone who starts and operates a new business venture and takes greater than unusual financial risk like resigning from a paid job to launch a new business. According to him, it is not just buying and selling and whoever is involved must be able to do things differently and be innovative.

Referring to the challenges the print media is facing as confirmed by recent statements by managing directors of The Punch and The Nation on the threat to the survival of the industry, Otufodunrin said that other areas like broadcasting, Public Relations, Advertising and digital platforms are not exempted from the hard times but that digital platforms are gaining some grounds, even though the revenue prospects are still low.

While making it clear that everyone cannot be an entrepreneur, considering that some may be better off being in paid employment so they can learn some things about running a business, the former editor suggested that one can be entrepreneurial while in full employment by putting in his or her best as an employee, having in mind that the same way one does other people’s business is how he will do his or hers.

Otufodunrin said media entrepreneurship involves transforming ideas into something tangible and that one must understand the trends and new developments in one’s area of service, what is in fashion or demand, which may include the kind of programmes people want on radio or television that an independent producer should be interested in producing.

He also mentioned examples of media entrepreneurship businesses that some journalists have launched including content creation, publishing and independent production. He also listed successful journalists like Fola Adekeye, Bosede Olusola-Obasa, Taiwo Obe and Yinka Shokunbi who have done well for themselves as media entrepreneurs emphasising that it is not compulsory to have media-related businesses as there are other businesses that require using media experience.

Adekeye, a former editor with Newswatch and TELL Magazine now Proprietor of Champion International Schools along with a communication outfit, Obasa formerly of The Punch is Initiator/Lead Facilitator at Royal Character Academy Limited, Obe, a former editor with The Guardian and Thisweek Magazine is now founder and Director of Journalism Clinic and Shokunbi, former health correspondent in The Punch and Daily Independent, now publisher of HealthStylePlus

Citing his own experience, Otufodunrin recounted how he left The Punch in 1999 to start Journalists for Christ and Media Career Services which at the time did not succeed well as envisaged even though he had mapped out plans considering his experience. While explaining that the journey of entrepreneurship is not an easy task, Otufodunrin said to survive in business, every entrepreneur must think of solving problems. He also advised that every business should be registered no matter how small.

He affirmed that in running a personal business, entrepreneurs should start small and grow, prepare very well before starting out, start an idea in the little way they can and have passion for the business they are involved in.

He commended the facilitator of the session Fagbemi who was once an intern with him years ago from the Lagos Polytechnic at The Nation, but today has done very well for herself having been able to combine her outstanding journalism skills with lots of street sense to run brand strategy organization which offers a wide range of communication services from writing content to being media consultant for corporate organizations.

Jewel Onyeneke

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