Reporting opportunity for Nigerian journalists

Opportunity exists for journalists to write for the Nigerian Democratic Report (NDR)
NDR is an independent online news medium and media resource portal published by the International Press Centre (IPC), Lagos-Nigeria.
It is supported by the Democratic Governance for Development (DGD) II project of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Nigeria.
NDR promotes the role of the media in governance and development by encouraging greater focus on democratic and electoral accountability.
As a component of the project to consolidate media role in Development, conflict transformation as well as compliance with and usage of the Freedom of Information Act, NDR also offers a wide range of resources for use by journalists, researchers, academics etc.
NDR serves as a unique alternative medium for journalists to publish model reports, investigative stories, features and in-depth analysis of cross cutting issues of development and democratic governance including political and electoral reforms; transparency, accountability and anti-corruption;  gender and conflict transformation as well as the use of the Freedom of Information Act (FOI A).  
The writer of any published special report, story or interview will be paid a stipend.
For inquiries/further information on writing a report, story or interview for NDR, which can also be done under condition of anonymity, kindly contact:
‘Lanre Arogundade

Editor-In-Chief, NDR
t: +234.802.3186.845
Sanmi Falobi
Online Editor, NDR
Tel: 08023626281

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