REDx marks one year of training young media professionals


REDx, the media and creative training school of a top media company, RED | For Africa, has marked its first anniversary.

With over 4,000 applicants, 200 graduates, and five training cohorts – two of which were virtual due to the COVID-19 pandemic – REDx said in a statement that it has “made an unforgettable impact on the future of young media practitioners in Nigeria since its launch in 2019.”

“As we celebrate these key milestones, we are reminded of the progress we’ve made, and also the work we’re yet to do in achieving our goal of discovering, training, and transforming the vast reserve of underutilized and underemployed Nigerian-youth to world-class media professionals,” Chude Jideonwo, Rector at REDx and co-founder of RED | For Africa stated.

According to Jideonwo, ” It’s fulfilling to see bright young people receive the career mentorship and practical knowledge they require to succeed. And I’m proud of the great work our REDx trainees are doing within and outside the company.”

RED | For Africa is a content, consulting and data company that deploys cultural intelligence from the streets across Africa to help companies, governments, investors and change-makers solve problems, shape narratives, and build movements.

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