Q and A: Should I accept a new job offer ?

By Lekan Otufodunrin

Q: I have an offer to join a new newspaper but I am confused if I should accept it or not?

A: The decision to accept a new offer requires a lot of consideration. Career progression sometimes requires that you leave one organization for the other but you have to weigh various factors.

Don’t just move for the fun of it. Are you convinced that there is no prospect for you in your present organization to warrant your leaving?

If yes, what is the prospect for you where you are going? Convince yourself that you have the capacity to meet the expectations of your new employer since your appointment will be subject to confirmation.

Poor pay in your present workplace is a good reason for leaving but you should have an assurance that the new organization has the capacity to pay the higher salary they will offer you.

Enquire about the owners of the new organization and the management team as this will to some extent determine the survival or otherwise of the new company.

Seek counsel of senior colleagues and anyone you think should be able to advice you on what decision to take.

If you are a religious person, pray for God’s direction to make the right decision.

There is indeed a time when your present job environment may no longer condusive and you have to move on even at a lower pay.

The truth about being an employee is that changing jobs is a risk just as remaining where you are is also a risk.

I know journalists who moved to other media houses and are better for it, just as there are those who declined new offers and did not regret their decision.

The option is really up to you. Be sure you take the best decision based on all possible factors you need to consider.

It’s your life, it’s your career, and you can’t blame anyone but yourself for not taking the right decision when you are faced with the  dicey decision to leave or remain where you working.

Otufodunrin is a media career development specialist.


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