OUR PUNCH YEARS: The Punch legacy

Chairman’s Speech: The Punch Legacy at ‘OUR PUNCH YEARS’ BOOK LAUNCH on Wednesday, 20 December 2023 at NECA House, Ikeja

Ladies and gentlemen, it is an honour to be here and a delight to see many familiar faces again.

Today is not a speech-making day but a time to celebrate and reminisce about our journey as media professionals and to reflect on where and how these journeys intersect for the greater good.

However, before I go on, I would like to acknowledge the efforts of the organisers of this auspicious occasion. You have indeed done well. Bringing together, as it were, the past, the present, and the future into one room is no mean feat. Gatherings like this are golden, and every moment is remarkable. Thank you.

You have reinforced the importance of history and storytelling in charting a graceful trajectory for a beautiful future. Thank you again.

PUNCH is 50 this year, and it has been such an interesting and exciting journey with many twists and turns. But what is most profound about this journey is that we could never be here without you; you – Ex-Punchers, you – current Punchers; you – our ardent readers and friends; you – our critics; you – our contributors, past and present; and you, in this room, who will make that decision to be part of this iconic train. Here is where I say Ubuntu. We are because you are.

An excerpt from a PhD Thesis from the University of Pretoria describes the positive attributes and the meaning of the African Ubuntu philosophy as humanity, respect, compassion, solidarity, patience, consensus, kindness, empathy and forgiveness.

You will all agree with me that these attributes, uniquely woven, form the basis for this gathering today.

Many of you in this room can articulate better the evolutionary and transformative journey of PUNCH, from the first publication, Sunday PUNCH, in 1973 at Onipetesi to the introduction of other titles, to the proscriptions and closures by government order at different times, the days of guerilla journalism and many others.

The sacrifices and prices we all had to pay, and having fought hard to hold together the tenets of ethical journalism, one that respects and promotes the rights of the people, holds the government to account, and amplifies the voice of the minority while doing the core journalistic task of keeping the people, across the spectrum, informed, we stand here today, tall.

So, for 50 years, we have forged alliances for the greater good, and we have made foes, we have charted noble pathways, and we have sustained and improved existing ones, undaunted, we have stood in the line of fire, and all of these, we have done together.

Today, I stand here on the shoulders of those who have gone ahead of me, many of whom are no longer with us, but their spirit and legacy live on.

Tomorrow, someone else will be standing here and will have this much and more to say.

With what I see today, I can boldly say that tomorrow holds promise.

Vote of Thanks

My heart bursts with gratitude, first to God, the author of everything.

And to my family, the Aboderin family, who have proved that family business can transcend generations. Thank you.

To all Punchers, past and present, you are the reason my father’s legacy lives on. Thank You.

To all our readers, friends, and partners, your continued support for our brand is immeasurable.


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