Our interns’ amazing scorecard

Five weeks on into our internship programme for students of tertiary institutions, we are glad to report that they are making commendable progress with the learning and practice opportunities we are offering them with the support of our media partners and organisations.

Last week, we recorded a harvest of publications of stories by our interns on various platforms apart from ours from local and international programmes they attended.

One of our interns, served as the rapporteur for a three-day training for journalists on reporting of Tuberculosis organised by Journalists Against AIDS in Lagos.

RoundCheck, a fact-checking organisation also facilitated a two- day training for our interns.

Eleven stories were published on our website www.mediacareerng.org and eight others including:  Nationalwire.com.ng, NewDawnngr.com, Frontpageng.com, Bonewssng.com, Firstnigeriatv.com, Arrowboardnews.online, Thewitnessng.com, Journalistsforchrist.org

The published stories were from the following programmes and press statement:

*Journalism and Society Conversation  by the Wole Soyinka Centre for Investigative Journalism held on X (formely Twitter) on Breaking the silence and addressing mental health challenges in the media.

*Lecture and Book Launch by Immediate past Editor of The Punch, Dayo Oketola.

*Women in Film and TV Conference.

*Nigeria Academy of Science.

*World Association for Christian Communication and World Council of Churches webinar.

*Amnesty International, Nigeria and Human Rights Journalists Network courtesy visit.

Responding to the stories on his event, Oketola said they were “Beautifully written”

We already have some projects to be coordinated by some of this interns this week apart from new reporting assignments.

We remain committed to mentoring, coaching and training students and other aspiring journalists.

We appreciate the support of our media partners and organisation.

Contact us if you want our interns to cover any of your event or participate in programme they can learn from.

Look out for our next update.

Programme Officer, Blessing Osomobor

Phone: +2348068621118

Email: info@mediacareerng.org

READ ALSO: ‘Not too young to be newspaper editors’


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