NUJ@70: Time for deep reflection, renewal

The main professional body, whose membership is the vanguard of nudging Nigeria on the right path by the nature of its agenda-setting calling is the Nigerian Union of Journalists (NUJ) which auspiciously has just reached a milestone of 70 years of its establishment in the country.

At a press conference in Abuja last week to commence activities celebrating the anniversary, Union president Comrade Alhassan Yahaya noted that the milestone is a time for reflection and renewal, among many other critical points he made. For instance, he emphasized the need to recommit to upholding ethical standards in the profession and embrace innovation to forge a brighter future.

Undoubtedly, the anniversary, beyond celebrating whatever accomplishments the union can lay claim to in the past seventy years, calls for deep reflection on how to continue to be relevant in line with the dreams and aspirations of the union’s founding fathers and the present reality of media practice.

To the best of the abilities of its past executive at various levels, the union founded in 1956 has continued to focus on advocating for better working conditions for journalists and promoting professional standards in the industry.


Regularly, the union reviews the conditions of service of journalists based on reports from members in various chapels and meets with management of media organisations to negotiate better salaries and conditions of service that can enhance their productivity.

Where some media organisations refuse to abide by the provisions of the labour law on staff employment, the union has called them out and when necessary declared industrial dispute to protect the rights of its members.

Worried by the general poor salaries paid to journalists in the country and their safety,  the NUJ  is  collaborating with other media related groups to sponsor Media Enhancement Bill at the National Assembly.

The union has also been vocal against violations of press freedom and advocated for the safety of its members.  Professionally,  the union has been organising training and other career-enhancing programmes for its members, including awards for outstanding members.

Notwithstanding the above performance which is generally regarded as average, the leadership must meet the demands of members who are asking for a more vibrant and proactive union and professional organisation.

More than ever before,  many media organisations are failing to meet their obligations to NUJ members across the country with the union not being able to call them to order as it used to do.

Many journalists are not regularly paid their salaries and allowances, while some organisations pay poor wages not commensurate with the inputs and qualifications of their staff.

In violation of the labour law, some media organisations don’t allow their staff to belong to the NUJ or other union activities while the NUJ has not been as firm as it should be in enforcing the ethics of the profession.

This has given room for many unprofessional practices especially many untrained journalists and even some registered members of the union. Yet, ensuring that journalists and media organisations abide by the ethics of the profession like in other professions is necessary to maintain the standards and make journalism a respectable profession.

Making regular training a major priority of the union is also necessary to ensure that union members can meet the demands of modern media practice and make them suitable for emerging vacancies for which they can be better paid.  NUJ should partner more with training institutions and bodies for members who desire to get relevant certifications in the profession.

The programmes and activities of the union should also be generally reviewed to attract more new and accomplished journalists who will find their participation valuable and worthwhile.

We look forward to a time when the NUJ will command the same respect other professional organisations like the Nigeria Bar Association, and Nigeria Medical Association are accorded.

The welfare of working and retiring members should also be a priority of the union. Many retired journalists have sad tales about life after retirement. From a few years to retirement, apart from the organization they work for, the union can take it up on itself to sensitise members on planning for retirement, saving for retirement, having alternative sources of income, and other means to sustain themselves.

At MCDN, We join in congratulating NUJ on its 70th anniversary and wish it a better and brighter future in enhancing journalism practice in Nigeria and beyond.

Editorial Board members: Abdulwarees Solanke (Chairman), Mrs Goodness Chibunna, Dr Qasim Akinreti, Dr Olayinka Oyegbile, Professor Oloruntola Sunday, Ms Christiana Fadare and Mr Lekan Otufodunrin. 

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