Novelist Zaynab Alkali, Ecuadorian Ambassador for Abuja Writers Forum

Zynab Alkali

The June 24 Guest Writer Session of the Abuja Writers Forum (AWF) will feature renowend female novelist, Zaynab Alkali,  alongside  the Ecuadorian Ambassador, Mr Leopoldo Rovayo Verdesoto and David Adzer.

Zaynab Alkali who was born in Tura-Wazila, Borno State, is  considered to be the first major female novelist from Northern Nigeria. Her previous novels are StillbornThe Virtuous WomanThe Descendants and The Initiates.

Her latest novel, Invisible Borders, narrates the reunion of Sam and Safia after years of separation. Presented through the thoughts of Safia, the story unfolds as an exploration of friendship, love, betrayal and sacrifice.

Alkali is a Professor of Literature at the Nassarawa State University and currently the chairperson of the governing board of the National Library of Nigeria.

Leopold Verdosoto

Mr Leopold Verdosoto, is the First Ambassador of Ecuador to Nigeria. A career diplomat, he has previously done tours of duty in Peru and Spain and he is set to give a talk on contemporary Ecudorian Literature at the June 24 event.

Although Ecuador has produced some great writers, the authors are not widely known outside the country when compared to other writers within  Latin America.

Many of the works are in Spanish and have not been translated. This could account for the lack of wider appreciation outside Latin America.

David Adzer

The Guest Writer Session will hold at the Aso Hall of Nanet Suites, Central Business District, Abuja and will feature a raffle-draw for books, and runs from 4-7 p.m. The Guest Writer Session will have live music interludes from a sonorous guitarist and song writer, David Adzer.

The Abuja Writer’s Forum also runs a weekly Citique Session and a Creative Writing Workshop series.


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