Multiple streams of income: My payment record


Lekan Otufodunrin, journalist and media career development specialist shares his streams of income over the years, from journalism and related media work.

I recently shared a tweet about the possible list of multiple streams of income for journalists.

I highlighted some opportunities and some colleagues responded to my request for additional ones I may not know of or left out.

The tweet was informed by the need to help Journalists who may not know how else they can earn additional income apart from regular salaries which are no longer regular for many.

Even for those who know, and might have earned some income from the listed skills, the tweet was a reminder to maximize the opportunities offered for earning payments against the background of the state of the media that has left many confused about how to pay their bills.

The payments may not be much or readily available, but what is important is to keep the other streams in view and not fail to explore them when there is an opportunity to do so.

Below is a quick rundown of what and why I have been paid for apart from salaries I earned in the media houses I have worked from 1987- 2018 when I “stepped aside”, to fully run my own organization.



Locally and abroad, I have been paid for freelance reports for some organizations. In some cases, like the one I wrote for a Kenyan based African News Service, I offered to write for them when I noticed the platform did not have West African reports.

The payment was as little as $10 per story, but others came after like two international Christian publications and a major general interest publication that paid 50 – 100 per cent more per story.

My bylines in the continental organisations also enhanced my profile for other opportunities I got in later years.


Late last year, I edited a book on a top religious leader for an author at a very low fee, but I have in the past edited reports for Non-Governmental Organizations and others for very good pay.


I used to be an Adjunct Lecturer at University of Lagos Mass Communication Department and got paid some amount for the part-time courses I taught, while payment for the full-time had not been approved while I was there. For three years plus now, I have been a paid Associate lecturer at the Nigeria Institute of Journalism (NIJ). Not much though, but happy to impact knowledge on the students.


I have published and sold a number of books including Wisdom for Journalists, Excelling in Journalism (compilation of my Stop Press motivation newsletter for journalists), Purpose Driven Journalism, Reporter Extraordinary, Journalism of my Life and Becoming the Journalist You Ought to Be.


My first experience was back in early 2000 and following years with Journalists Against AIDS ( JAAIDS), thanks to the late founder, Omololu Falobi. Today my long list includes ActionAid Nigeria, International Press Centre, Wole Soyinka Center for Investigative Reporting and others. I remember one that earned me all expenses paid trip to Singapore and some dollar honorarium.

I also remember seeing advertised training for Pastors without the Use of the Internet as one of the topics. I showed up prepared with an outline and convinced the organisers to allow me to speak for an hour and was paid.


A military officer in an institution I have delivered some lectures contacted me from UK where he was taking a Post Graduate course for a transcription assignment that I had to give to about ten persons to do for a good fee. A young colleague helped me check online how much transcribers charge and we came up with an affordable local rate. I know a young colleague who transcribes for a Church Pastor and gets paid for it.

I’m told there are now apps that can transcribe, but someone still has to look through the transcript and be sure the transcription is correct.


I know enough about social use for individual and organisational purpose. My large followership and engagements indicate what I can do online.

An Agriculture company once hired me to review its website and social media accounts. I did and trained the staff on better use of digital platforms to get more customers.


Long before web publishing became all-comers affair, I published the Nigeria Christian News website which started as a newsletter distributed by mass email distribution.

We got adverts that were paid for and now is earning me payment in cash and kind.


This is what I now do fulltime after years of experimenting as a side hustle. I intimate training that is paid for or sponsored. Sometimes the sessions are free to boost our profile.

I have been a mentor on programmes by the International Centre for Investigative Reporting, Wole Soyinka Centre for Investigative Reporting and others.


I once launched a motivation newsletter for journalists named Stop Press which was a photocopied printout sent free to some journalists.

After a while, I started getting cash donations and the content was later compiled into a book, Excelling in Journalism, followed by a Young Journalists Conference and Award.


I once paid for my official car when the company decided to sell it to us with the commission I earned from adverts. After the first full-page, I took time to share the PDF copy with the international organization in London and the photo of the page in the paper (they didn’t ask for it) and they were impressed. They asked for two more and didn’t bother to advertise in other papers.


When you go on fellowships as I did in 1998 for the Advance Journalism Training by Thomson Foundation in Cardiff, you get paid allowances that can be more than your regular salaries. The programme was for three months.

There are other sources I might not have captured in this piece, but the purpose is to share some possible streams of income to pay attention to and explore when possible.

1 thought on “Multiple streams of income: My payment record”

  1. I want to commend Mr Otunfordunrin for his selfless effort and contibution to journalsm and most of showing that if we have appassion for the media .we have multiple ways we can make money .

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