MRA ED calls for better coverage of environment

The Executive Director, Media Rights Agenda (MRA) Mr Edetaen Ojo has called for better coverage of the environment, including conducting investigations on deforestation, climate change, and other activities that undermine human rights on environmental issues.

Ojo made the call at the 2024 World Press Freedom Day programme organised by the Human Rights Journalists Network (HRJN) in Lagos on May7 on the theme  “A press for the planet: Journalism in the face of environmental crisis.”

He emphasized the need for science-based reporting that provides accurate investigations about scientific research.

“Talking to people who are knowledgeable about these issues, doing human-interest stories, such as how communities are affected by pollution, erosion, flooding, and other natural disasters are ways to carry out research,” Ojo said.

He also advised people to keep their gutters clean adding that providing a platform for environmental advocacy and using visuals to communicate to people is crucial, as many people do not like reading.

On the  importance of the Day, Ojo said it serves as a reminder to the government of their duties to protect Journalists.

The executive director said journalists need freedom to perform their duties, such as providing independence, getting facts right, and verifying information.

At a panel session, Bunmi Yekini, a Senior Editor and News Reporter at Radio Now spoke about environmental rights being human rights and emphasized that it’s not just about investigating but providing solutions and advocacy.

On the role of investigative journalists in covering environmental issues, she said that it should be a collective efforts of all categories of journalism. She added that journalists should call the attention of the government and policy makers, be ready to collaborate, and have a passion for the environment.

Robert Egbe, a journalist and communications officer of CAPA. added that journalists should arm themselves with experts, scientists and NGOs


“Having a healthy environment is crucial as bad air can cause lung cancer, asthma and stroke,” he said.

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