Male allies supporting women in Journalism


Presentation by Executive Director, Media Career Development Network, Lekan Otufodunrin on Male allies supporting women in journalism at Gender Consonance and Female Media Leadership training by Broadcast journalist at Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN), Nkechi Macaulay.

The training was supported by the Wole Soyinka Centre for Investigative Journalism (WSCIJ), Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Lagos State University, Ojo

Why do we need men allies for women in Journalism

*The media is a gentlemen’s world.

Women are clearly outnumbered by men at all levels, even in the broadcast media where we have more women than in the print media.

*Expectedly, most media managers are men

Media work environment and policies are generally not gender sensitive. The work requirement doesn’t make enough allowance for women responsibilities.

How to be male allies for women

*Don’t discriminate against women at the point f employment on the assumption that they can’t do the job. It is not their fault that they are women and need to meet some peculiar responsibilities.

There is no role in the media from reporter to Managing Director/Editor-In-Chief that a woman has not efficiently occupied.

*What we need to get any media job done is your brain, not your anatomy – Betty Abbah

*We are in the age of smart and technology assisted work and not necessary hard work and long hours that are believed to require some level of masculinity.

*Give women responsibilities that can give them equal opportunities for career growth like their male counterparts. Equity and not necessarily Equality.

*Make allowance for their out of office female responsibilities which should not count against them with Gender Policies.

*Be gender conscious in your policies and appointments. No one can provide the famine touch required in any organisation if not a woman.

*Don’t over-indulge women. Let them know they must not prove those who are not able right. They should not give unnecessary excuse not to perform tasks expected of them unless when it is avoidable.

* Be their cheer leader or hype-man to encourage them to keep excelling.

*Protect them from any form of abuse, emotional, sexual and others.

* Don’t take advantage of them.

READ ALSO: ‘How to have more women in newsrooms, news’

My Male Allies roles

*I have been a beneficiary of Female Allies who I wrote about

*I have served for as mentor for four editions of the Wole Soyinka Female Reporters Leadership Programme and continues to be an active member of the WhatsApp group for past and present Fellows.

I share opportunities, resources and ideas for them to excel.

I join in celebrating fellows who win awards, promotions and other wins

I am available to offer career advice for fellows

I recommend them for training programmes and other opportunities

*I am a Board member of the Step Up-for-Women-in-Journalism based in Port-Harcourt, River State and play similar roles as in the FRLP.

*While I was at The Nation, I invited and sponsored female journalists to Women in Journalism conference in Lagos

I initiated the Women of The Nation publication on International Women’s Day to celebrate women journalists in the organisation.

*I am a Board member of the Female Freelance Network. I have been a guest speaker at its programme and supported the organisation with unlimited zoom sessions.

*I have been a speaker at National Association of Women Journalists (NAWOJ) National and state events.

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