Letter to Nigeria media on ending violence against women


Dear editors, reporters, anchors of news organizations and bloggers,

I am writing to you with a personal invitation from UN Women, to join us in a rising wave of voices speaking out to end violence against women. As #metoo and its spin offs reverberate through social and other media, both women and men are finding the strength to confront past and present attackers. There has never been a better moment to demonstrate, through a unified global movement, our collective determination to end silence and bring change. Join us this year as an important influencer of public awareness and opinion.

On 25 November, the United Nations and civil society commemorates the International Day to End Violence against Women. That same day, we will launch 16 days of global activism that will run until 10 December. I will be traveling to different cities during that period to highlight the innovative ideas being used to stop violence against women and girls.

UN Women leads the global initiative ‘Orange the World: End Violence against Women and Girls’ on behalf of the UN Secretary-General’s global campaign UNiTE to End Violence against Women. This year’s theme, “Leave No One Behind: End Violence against Women and Girls,” emphasizes the importance of reaching the most marginalized, including refugees, migrants, minorities, indigenous peoples, and populations affected by conflict and natural disasters.

Building on last year’s record 105 countries, this year the 16 days of Activism fortnight will light up iconic buildings and monuments in orange and galvanize global citizens to take action at marches and rallies, concerts and public festivals, and of course through the media. The Fortune Financial Centre in Beijing, China, the parliaments in Bangladesh, Liberia, and Morocco, the Palace of Fine Arts in Mexico City, Mexico, the monuments in Gaziantep in Turkey, the City Hall in Bogota, the National Theatre of Algiers, and Table Mountain in Cape Town, South Africa will all be turning orange.

Please join me on 25 November by personally demonstrating your support, wearing orange, engaging in ending violence against women, pointing to successful approaches to end the violence, and providing advice and support for survivors.  If you are a TV journalist, encourage your channel to bring your viewers news and interviews on the issue, and turn the newsroom orange. If your medium is print, present your stories on this subject under an orange banner. If you are on the radio, highlight the urgency of ending this pandemic that affects one billion women worldwide.

Do not hesitate to get in touch with our media colleagues at media.team@unwomen.org, for answers to questions or to facilitate interviews with experts, provide data and statistics, or point you to exemplary initiatives. Please check out our website for the 16 Days content available in the coming weeks, at http://www.unwomen.org/en/news/in-focus/end-violence-against-women.

Everyone has a role in these efforts. Together we can end violence against women and girls.


Yours sincerely Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka

Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director

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