‘Journalists need space to report without harassments’

Excerpt from remarks by Deputy Public Affairs Officer, US Consulate, Jennifer Foltz at  Press Freedom Movie Screening and Panel Discussion “Joseph Pulitzer: Voice of the People” on Thursday, May 19, 2022,  at American Corner, Port Harcourt


A free, professional, and responsible media supports democratic principles.  It also informs current public policy debates so that voters can make informed decisions.


Without a free press, few democracies could survive.  Journalists shed light on both the positive and negative aspects of public policy and contribute to accountable governance.


You, as journalists, have a critically important role to play.  Who else can help the public understand, discuss, and assess public policies?  Who else can help the public hold government accountable for its policies?


Journalists need to have the space to report legitimately sourced stories without intimidation or harassment.  But media practitioners also have the responsibility to guard against misinformation and disinformation.


The United States values freedom of the press as a key component of democratic governance. To help the media further appreciate their huge responsibility of reporting accurately on elections and the electoral processes, we are hoping to organize a seminar on election reporting in the coming months.


The United States is an ardent defender of a free and responsible press. And our support will not stop!  We look forward to deepening our collaborations with Nigeria to support efforts to provide objective and balanced reporting on the election.

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