How to secure a place in the future of your media organisation


The feedback we are getting from some media organisations retrenching staff and restructuring their operations is that more than ever before, they only need staff who have the skillsets for the future of their company.

According to them, it’s not enough to have been a staff of their company for long, what is important now is that every staff have to be evaluated and retained on the basis of his or her skills in line with the new reality of the industry.

“The media” according to a management staff of BusinessDay that recently reduced its staff strength “is gripped by a digital-first imperative and as a responsible media business, we have to be well prepared for the challenges that digitalisation imposes.”

Part of what digitalisation imposes is that traditional process has to be streamlined and only staff who have the skills to cope would be retained. Even as some staff are sent off, new ones would be hired for new lines of operations as part of survival strategies by companies.

To guarantee a place in the future of especially traditional media companies that are facing stiff completion from new digital start-ups, journalists and other media professionals have to take the following steps:

*Pay attention to new developments in the industry and be aware of your organisation’s plans for restructuring its operations.


*Review your skillset and be sure that you have what it takes to be retained in the new direction your company may be considering. Those who don’t have needed skills should request to be trained or get trained at their own expense before they are assessed.

*Be ready to be assigned new tasks and don’t resist being redeployed if the company is still willing to retain you.

*Be ready to take up additional assignments as the company may not be able to hire enough staff for some key tasks.

*Come up with suggestions on how your company can compete favourably against its competitors. Get helpful industry insights that should inform decisions to be taken by your company.

*Show concern about the fortunes of the company and don’t appear not to be bothered if the company is making enough returns or not.

*If for any reason, you are not able to cope with new developments in your organisation, plan your exit before you are asked to leave. Sooner or later, the management will not hesitate to add your name to the list of those to be asked to leave.

READ ALSO: Off Record: Salary increase at The Nation, Layoff, restructuring in BUSINESS DAY

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