How to find media awards and fellowships


Before winning awards and participating in fellowships, journalists need to find relevant ones. Lekan Otufodunrin shares tips on how to find them.

–Get a list of organisations that organise awards and have fellowship programmes.

Search online for an updated list of annual fellowships and awards by various organisation to know the details of requirements and how to apply for them. Here are links to some lists:

Latest fellowship and other opportunities

–Know when they organise their programmes and note their contact detail

Note the deadline for submitting entries for awards and fellowships and send applications to the contact details.

Applications submitted late are not attended to.

–Monitor websites, publications and social media handles of media NGOs and networks. Have a google alert for fellowships.

Find out the websites and social media handles of relevant organisations and look out for information on awards and fellowships. A google alert on media awards will ensure you don’t miss especially new programmes.

–Subscribe to newsletters like International Journalists Network and others

–Ask journalists who have participated in fellowships or won awards you are interested in

A chat with past winners of fellowships and awards will give you an insight on what to pay attention to in your applications. They will help you avoid common mistakes applicants always make that prevents their applications from being successful.

–Let people know you are interested in applying for fellowships and awards

Not every journalist is interested in winning awards and participating in fellowship. If you are, tell those who can alert you of what you can apply when they find them.


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