How Mass Comm students should prepare for post-graduation years

Mass Communication students have been advised to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to guarantee having a fulfilling career in the media industry.

The Executive Director of the Media Career Development Network, Mr Lekan Otufodunrin advised while presenting his keynote address at the Industry-Academia Partnership Series 11 by the Department of Mass Communication of the Mountain Top University, Ogun State.

The lecture was part of the programmes for Departmental Week 2024.

“You must pay enough attention to your various media courses and begin to utilize the skills you have now instead of waiting till you graduate,” Otufodunrin stated.

According to Otufodunrin, former Managing Editor, The Nation Newspapers, the present state of the industry is such that fresh graduates must be capable of utilising various multimedia tools and skills to either get employed or run their platforms.

“ You need to realize that you don’t become a mass communication professional when you graduate, you need to start preparing now to be fit for the task ahead based on some of what you might have been taught in school and what you have to go out of your way to learn.

Students of the department with lecturers

“You have to be fit for the industry. You need the required knowledge. You need to be industry-compliant given the fierce competition involved in getting mass communication jobs.  Mass communication is an all-comers affair You must be very knowledgeable about some media skills to have an advantage over those who are not mass communication graduates,” Otufodunrin said.

 Among other opportunities in the media industry, Otufodunrin told the students that they can become the media professionals they want to be, achieve their career and life goals, get employed or start their own company and organisation and contribute to making the world a better place.

“ You can work for local and international organisations, earn payment for your skills, travel widely, meet people, become well known and use the media as a stepping stone to other careers.

Otufodunrin with lecturers in the department

While still in school, Otufodunrin urged the students to explore the following opportunities:

Write and produce content for department’s and school platforms

Write and produce content for available platforms: Traditional and new

Maximise campus training opportunities by media non-governmental organisations

Maximise Internships

Write professional examinations and join professional groups

Have personal writing and production projects

Volunteer to write and produce content

Earn revenue for content writing and production for various platforms.

Have your blog, website, and social media handle to showcase what you can do to position yourself for opportunities.

Maximize Digital Media Platforms like TikTok, Instagram, Youtube, ClubHouse, Twitter (X) and others for content creation and monetization.

To master media skills he offered the following counsel:

Have a flair

Read good writings across areas of interest

Watch and listen to good broadcast content you can learn from

Know the basic steps for each specialization of media work

Practice makes perfect

Don’t assume you can’t write

Subject your writing to review by colleagues and senior colleagues

Get training apart from school: Workshops, seminars, online courses, webinars, masterclasses and professional exams like; PR and Advertising.

Participate in competitions

Create or join communities and organisations in school that help you advance your skill and career like Media Clubs, and others.

Join local and international media organisations

Award presentation by the HOD, Dr Mbaka

According to Otufodunrin, Communication skills are very vital for every aspect of human endeavour and it doesn’t matter if the students don’t end up working in the media sector.

While noting that there are challenges including including limited opportunities, economic factors, disruption of the media landscape, competition from other professionals, getting commensurate payment for skills and services and the very hectic nature of the job, Otufodunrin noted that journalism and other aspects of mass communication can be fulfilling based on personal determination to succeed and hard work.

He said he has no regrets about being a journalist having fulfilled God’s purpose for his life, being voice of the voiceless and advocating for change, travelling worldwide and being a happy family man with accomplished children.

Ag. Head of the Mass Communication department, Dr Chinyere Mbaka thanked Otufodunrin for sharing his wealth of experience with the students.

She said the Industry-Academia Partnership Series is meant to provide the students the opportunity to learn from experienced media professionals to complement their practical and academic knowledge.

Dr Mbaka said the department which offers undergraduate and post-graduate courses, including Doctorate in Mass Communication has the necessary facilities to train the students to become accomplished media professionals.

Otufodunrin receiving a plaque from the Vice Chancellor


The Vice Chancellor of the University, Professor Elijah Ayolabi while receiving Otufodunrin in his office, said the institution was committed to its vision of being a centre of academic excellence to produce top-rate and morally sound graduates.

Apart from academic studies, Professor Ayolabi said adequate provision is also made for vocational studies which will give the students diverse opportunities before and after graduating.




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