How APO Group media award enhanced our careers

For Kofi Adu Domfeh (Ghana) a development journalist from Ghana, winning the African Press Organisation (APO) Group Media Award is one of the major highlights of his career.

The award gave him the opportunity to travel to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in Dubai to attend an International Conference on Energy which featured the Africa Energy Forum.

“It gave me exposure in terms of motivating me to write more and really making me a better reporter,” Kofi said.

Kofi is one of the 16 African journalists who have won either the  Media Award or an all-expenses-paid international event invitation since 2007 by APO Group (, the top Pan-African communications consultancy and press release distribution service.

The Media Awards and event invitations according to APO is for recognizing the achievements of African journalists, and creating opportunities for them to develop their careers or travel to new places.

Other winners whose careers have been impacted by the award are;

  • Pius Sawa (Kenya)
  • Sumitra Nydoo (South Africa)
  • Kristia van Heerden (South Africa)
  • Catherine Nambi (Uganda)
  • Debra Matabvu (Zimbabwe)
  • Frank Eleanya (Nigeria)
  • Julius Uma (Uganda – South Sudan)
  • Lilian Mutegi (Kenya)
  • Monica Nkodo (Cameroon)
  • Nila Yasmin (Uganda)
  • Oluseyi Awojulugbe (Nigeria)
  • John Churu (Botswana)
  • Aimable Twahirwa (Rwanda)
  • Issac Khisa (Uganda)
  • Agreey Mutambo (Kenya)

Mutambo of The Nation Media Group, Kenya who attended the Africa Hotel Investment Forum in Rwanda said the prize- trip was a great opportunity for him to have more contacts and broadened his networks.

“It enabled me to see stories beyond our boarder,” Mutambo recalled in a video by the APO Group celebrating African journalism featuring some of the winners over the last 14 years.

Like Mutambo, Awojulugbe a journalist based in Lagos, Nigeria, who won the prize in 2019 she also had the opportunity to meet journalists from across the continent during her travel.

“ The trip has really contributed to my network, my knowledge of Africa and Africa journalism,” she said.

Founded by former African journalist and deputy president of the Pan-African Press Association in France (APPA), Nicolas Pompigne-Mognard (, the organisation has for years been working with  African media.

“Funding awards and creating unique professional opportunities is our way of giving something back to the African media community that has been so vital to our success,” said Nicolas Pompigne-Mognard.

International event invitation awards are selected at random from entries all over Africa to provide new opportunities to any journalist from the continent, with winners getting to attend prestigious industry events such as the Web Summit, the African Development Bank Annual Meeting, the Annual Investment Meeting (AIM), the Africa Hotel Investment Forum (AHIF), the EurAfrican Forum, and more.

Other awards, such as the APO Group African Media Award, and the APO Group African Women in Media Award, are voted for by jury panels, with winners chosen for excellence in their journalistic field. These awards offer some unique prizes, with the winner of the APO Group African Media Award receiving:

  • $500 a month for one year
  • a laptop
  • one intercontinental flight ticket to any destination of his or her choice
  • one year’s access to over 600 airport VIP lounges worldwide

The second and third place winners receive $300 and $200 a month respectively for a period of one year.

The winner of the APO Group African Women in Media Award wins a $2,500 cash prize, an all-expenses paid trip to a prestigious International Women’s Forum, and online courses from one of the most respected international universities.

“The APO Group Awards programme offers all African journalists a chance to engage with new people, travel to new places and grow their careers. We are proud to have had such an impact on these journalists’ lives, and it is wonderful to hear how they have progressed since winning an APO Group Award,” said Nicolas Pompigne-Mognard.

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