New media awards and fellowship opportunities for journalists

Here are a few awards and fellowship opportunities for journalists to apply for this week.

The Free Press Unlimited  Free Press Awards 2024. Deadline: 12 August 2024

Free Press Awards, recognises journalists and media professionals who have shown a strong commitment to the cause of press freedom and the provision of independent information. They will honour journalists and media professionals who continue to do their work, no matter the circumstances.

Categories of the award include Most Resilient Journalist and Newcomer of the Year – Hans Verploeg Award.

Read more about the award and apply here


The 2024 African Climate Change and Environment Reporting Award (ACCER Awards)  of the Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA).  Deadline: 6 August 2024.

The biennial ACCER Award aim to recognise and motivate outstanding journalists and media networks that use their skills, outreach and influence to simplify complex environmental-scientific conversation to expand it as a broader societal concern affecting peoples’ livelihoods, society, economies and health of the planet.

The award categories are Print Media, Broadcast Media, Investigative Journalism, Opinion Commentary, Use of Data in Climate Change reporting and Digital Activists.

Interested journalists can read more about the award and apply here


International Federation of Journalists  “Shireen Abu Akleh Prize”   Deadline: 15 October 2024 

This new annual prize by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the International Francophone Press Union (UPF) is launched in response to the escalating threats and risks faced by women journalists.

It is named to commemorate Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, who was killed in the Jenin refugee camp while reporting live on 11 May 2022. The inaugural award will be made in December 2024.

Read more on how to nominate for the award and apply here

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The Daphne Caruana Galizia Prize for Journalism. Deadline: July 31 2024

Professional journalists and teams of professional journalists of any nationality, with in-depth pieces that have been published or broadcast by media based in one of the 27 European Union (EU) countries can apply for the 2024 edition of the Daphne Caruana Galizia Prize for Journalism

The Prize aims to recognise outstanding in-depth journalism that promotes or defends the core principles and values of the European Union such as human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, rule of law, and human rights.

A cash prize of €20,000 will be awarded in October 2024.

Check here for more information on categories and requirements.


The Pulitzer Center AI Accountability Fellowships.  Deadline: 10 August 2024

The Al Accountability Fellowships seek to support journalists working on in-depth AI accountability stories that examine governments’ and corporations’ uses of predictive and surveillance technologies to guide decisions in policing, medicine, social welfare, the criminal justice system, hiring, and more.

The 10-month AI Accountability Fellowships will provide journalists up to $20,000 to pursue their reporting project. The funds can be used to pay for records requests, travel expenses, data analysis, and stipends. In addition, the Fellows will have access to mentors and relevant training with a group of peers that will help strengthen their reporting projects.

Interested journalists can read more about the fellowship and apply here

[READ ALSO: Training opportunities and resources for journalists this week.]

Ripples Centre for Data and Investigative Journalism (RCDIJ) Africa Fund. Deadline: Rolling.

Individual journalists across Africa can apply for the RCDIJ Africa Fund. The RCDIJ Africa Fund supports small to mid-scale data and/or investigative journalism projects spanning a wide range of areas consistent with our objectives, including education, health, security, environment, democracy, corruption, economy, migration, technology, culture and development.

The RCDIJ Africa Fund has a ceiling of $10,000. The approved sum for each project ranges from under $1,000 to $10,000. Each approved sum is determined by a number of considerations, including scale, location, and duration.

In addition to monetary support, successful applicants will have their completed works published on the centre’s sister platform, Ripples Nigeria, with full editorial support throughout the process.

Interested journalists can read more and apply for the fund here

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