Eight things women journalists can do together

The original design of Images of Women by @simplysphiedesign had the title Things Women Can Do Together.


When it was shared by the Executive Director/CEO of the Wole Soyinka Centre for Investigative Reporting (WSCIJ), Mrs. Motunrayo Alaka, on some female journalists groups I belonged as a media mentor, it occurred to me I could attempt to expound on the eight suggestions for women journalists.

The eight things women can do together according to @simplysphiedesign are as follows:


Empower others

Change minds

Make History

Breakdown barriers and glass ceilings

Create movements for change

Disrupt the status quo

Spread love and kindness

Challenge societal beauty standard


How can women journalists do the above together?


Empower others


Mrs Alaka is a good example of a woman who has empowered other women. Through various programmes of her media organization, she has ensured the training and mentoring of many women journalists in Nigeria and beyond.


Apart from intentionally ensuring that women are included in various skill-building programmes, her Centre launched the Report Women project aimed at also ensuring that women are well reported as they should in media reports.


Under the Female Reporters Leadership Programme over 100 female journalists from across the country and platforms have been empowered with editorial and leadership skills that gave them the required competence to excel in their careers.

Good enough, Fellows have gone ahead in accordance with the goal of the project, shared what they learnt with other colleagues and become mentors themselves.


Change Minds

Not every woman journalist think alike, especially regarding what can be accomplished in the profession. For those who need to be inspired, motivated and encouraged to have changed minds about their careers collaborating, networking and exchanging ideas will go a long way in helping more women journalists to have the right perspectives regarding every facet of the profession.


The aha moment, I see, I now understand, I believe I can fly in journalism is guaranteed when women journalists work as a team.


Make History


What the Television Continental (TVC) Women’s Network accomplished recently is indeed historic and confirmation of combining our individual strength as women can be accomplished. Led by Sharon Ijasan, they did what no other women in the media group have done, by organising a national female student’s debate competition to empower them.

Winners and runner ups were also given monetary awards which is one of the highest for such competition.

Breakdown barriers and glass ceilings

The barriers and glass ceilings that limit women in journalism are many. However, with the helping hands given to other women by the few who had earlier attained top positions, the number of women in the profession has continued to increase and they are making steady progress too.


The newsroom has to be made more welcoming for women with advocacy for gender policies and conditions of services that acknowledge the beyond newsroom peculiarity and responsibilities women have to contend with.


Women in the media should support and celebrate their kind and not leave media managers in doubt that what a male journalist can do, women can do and even better.


Talk of women who have broken the glass ceilings in the Nigeria media and many including, Ijeoma Nwogwugwu who has edited all titles in THISDAY Newspaper and is now Managing Director of ARISE Television, Toyosi Ogunseye, the first woman to be a title editor at The Punch, now Head of BBC in West Africa, Late Mrs Remi Oyo who was President of Nigeria Guild of Editors and more.



Create Movement for Change

With the National Association of Women Journalists (NAWOJ) at the national, zonal and state levels remaining a rallying force for women empowerment in the media, there is the opportunity for more women change-focused organization to create the ultimate desired change.

When Dr Yemisi Akinbobola co-launched the Africa Women in the Media, which has to its credit major women training programmes and resources, it was first on a Facebook page.

The organization has indeed become a catalyst for change in the media for which many female journalists attest to the impact it has made in their career.

Even with a well-coordinated WhatsApp group like the one for fellows of the FRLP through which they have remained connected and others by fellows, there are immediate opportunities to synergy for change.

Disrupt status quo

Despite the progress made over the decades, the status quo in the media which is not as inclusive as it should be for women, still require sustained strategic disruption.

With regular gender auditing and data that shows the obvious imbalance against women and evidence of excellent skills of some female journalists, there must be continuous advocacy for equity and not necessarily equality.

With digital media opportunities which are not as limiting as to the traditional media, more women should either individually or collective own their platforms.

Spread love and kindness

What’s love and kindness got to do with being a journalist? How can women journalists love themselves more and be kind to each other?

I used to have an editor who was fond of saying we don’t have to be friends, to work together, but it helps. Like this saying, while love and kindness may not be a major requirement for our professional tasks, they can make it easier for women journalists to appreciate the need to support themselves. There is strength in unity.

They should look out for themselves. Be concerned about the well-being of each other. Give helping hands, share resources.

Young journalists need all the love and kindness they can get to survive the ‘mad’ nature of media houses.

Challenge societal beauty standards.

Beauty is indeed in the eyes of the beholder. What is beautiful to one, may not be to another.

There is more that is required of the woman journalists than the outward look. She could pay attention to it, but she must not be defined by it.


1 thought on “Eight things women journalists can do together”

  1. This is a very inspiring post which allow every woman out there not to limit their dreams and aspiration, due to what the society will say about them instead doing something extraordinary can be a great idea. We can always be better if we put in lots of effort wow I’m touched with this

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