Eight journalists (Four Nigerians) win 2021 West and Central Africa Migration Journalism Awards


Eight journalists have been announced as winners of the 2021 West and Central Africa Migration Journalism Awards by the International Organisation for Migration (IOM).

The winners named at a virtual ceremony held on November 10 received up to USD 1,250 each and a plaque of recognition.

The winners and their entries are listed below:

The Climate Crisis Is Driving Violent Conflicts Over Farmland by Olatunji Olaigbe
Media house: Vice
Country: Nigeria

” This is my first international award so I’m definitely excited. But more importantly, I hope the award stories draw the attention of decision-makers and influence what policies are made in the future. Because really what is the point of journalism if it does not change society for better?”

Tchad : à cause des inondations, N’Djaména traverse des moments difficiles by Aly Abdelkader
Media house: Mondoblog RFI
Country: Chad


Our battles with depression, stigmatization after return from Libya by Innocent Duru
Media house: The Nation
Country: Nigeria

“The IOM award is the icing on the cake for me after winning five awards at the Nigeria Media Merit Award (NMMA) held last month”

Catholic Relief Services offers renewed hope to returned migrants and at-risk migrant communities by Samuel Osei-frempong
Media house: Ghana News Agency
Country: Ghana


Aneker l’espoir renait by Hamidou Diop Amadou
Media house: Ortn
Country: Niger


Labour Migration During a Pandemic by Oyinkansola Adekunle
Media house: TV360 Nigeria
Country: Nigeria


Migration sud-sud : Opportunités et potentialités économiques en derive by Fatou Sagar Diop
Media house: Hebdomagazine
Country: Senegal

Youth in Benin City, Nigeria are picking up skills in High Demand by Chinedu Ekeja
Media house: KU Radio
Country: Nigeria


The IOM while announcing the winners on its website noted that migration is a complex topic and journalists play an important role in unpacking these complexities.

“It is their role to give the public a clear understanding of all sides of the migration paradigm,” it stated.

The competition celebrates journalists who bring attention to the many facets of migration in West and Central Africa in both the French and English languages.

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