Can journalists save journalism?


In his keynote address at the just concluded Investigative Reporters and Editors IRE20 Virtual conference, acclaimed American investigative journalist, Ronan Farrow among other thought-provoking statements said: “The only people who can save journalism are journalists.”

Farrow is author of the best-selling “Catch and Kill: Lies, Spies and a Conspiracy to Protect Predators.” His 2019 book details his efforts to investigate allegations of rape, sexual assault and abuse of women by powerful Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein and allegations of intimidation and cover-up by powerful institutions including the news media.

Other quotes from his well-received address included the following and responses from participants and others

“The biggest threat journalism faces is the collective failure of our society to understand and value journalism.”

“We need to protect whistleblowers.”

“When people don’t trust the press, the people lose and the powerful get away with it.”

“When you lose impartiality – you lose trust, and when you lose trust – you lose everything. But we must be partisan for our fellow journalists.”

“The press is part of a free democracy, as much as the executive branch or Congress. Because the press also keeps the government in check.” –

“The moment when journalism is in its most dire strait is when people need it the most”

“For too long our newsrooms have been too white. And journalism has suffered because of it.”


I agree, however, journalism is too important to be left to journalists alone.

*Wale Fatade

I don’t agree, saving journalism is far beyond the capacity of journalists in today’s word.

*Marcel Okeke

“The only people who can save journalism are journalists,” @RonanFarrow says as the #IRE20 keynote speaker. The free press is under attack and we are the only ones who can stop its ongoing erasure.

*Gabriel Pietrorazio @GabePietrorazio

Journalists are running on fumes right now. I appreciate so much @Ronan Farrow’s recognition of seemingly insurmountable obstacles we are all facing. But he’s right, “…the only people who can save journalism are journalists.” I will be the first to admit I cried a little. #IRE20

*Riley Bunch @ribunchreports

@RonanFarrow reminds us that as much as we feel overwhelmed and overworked this year, there are journalists around the globe who wish they had the freedoms that we have to report the news #IRE20

*Taylor Hartz @taylorjhartz

Amazing keynote address by @RonanFarrow . I appreciated the frank description of the current state of global journalism. As someone who is learning to become a statehouse reporter, it is encouraging to hear an honest characterization of the importance of the Fourth Estate. #IRE20

*Derek Cantù @can2derek

Wowowow listening to  @RonanFarrow at #IRE20 has completely affirmed my decision to pursue journalism as I leave the Army. If you love the American people and want them to be free, you must realize that journalism is an essential part of that freedom. So glad to have that reminder

*Eve Sampson @eveksampson

Appreciate @RonanFarrow joining us at @IRE_NICAR  as our #IRE20 keynote speaker. It’s so encouraging hearing you talk about the importance of uncovering injustice – a pep talk some of us need from someone also doing the work. And love seeing Rainbowfam represented on such a large stage!

*Francisco Vara-Orta @ #IRE20 @fvaraorta

The cynicism, pessimism, fatalism we (investigative journalists )feel every day, that’s how the people who hope we won’t hold them accountable want us to feel.

Dinah Voyles Pulver @DinahVP

Investigative Reporters and Editors Inc. is a grassroots nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the quality of investigative reporting. IRE was formed in 1975 to create a forum in which journalists throughout the world could help each other by sharing story ideas, newsgathering techniques and news sources.

IRE provides members access to thousands of reporting tip sheets and other materials through its resource center and hosts conferences and specialized training throughout the country. Programs of IRE include the National Institute for Computer Assisted Reporting.

Learn more about joining IRE and the benefits of membership.


2 thoughts on “Can journalists save journalism?”

  1. LadyGwen Oshoniyi

    So much opinions and much to assimilate and learn from.

    Ronan Farrow really had a very insightful keynote. And,. I agree with him to a very large extent. However, I am of the opinion that journalism in Nigeria needs to win back the trust of the people and co-opt the general populace in the fight for credibility.

    But the fight or battle needs to be initiated by us Journalists through responsible and constructive Journalism.

    Thank you for the highlights

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