Call for stories on animals, nature


Animal Times Africa powered by Newsscreen Media Limited has called for stories ideas from young journalists interested in writing on animals and nature.

Following its observation that journalists don’t write much on nature and animals, Newsscreen Media Limited said it is taking up the challenge to getting journalists interested in reporting the beat by calling for story ideas three of which shall get a token as support.

Applicants are required to send a synopsis of their stories to on or before the 1st of August, 2020.

The story should be presented in between 750 and 850 words and should identify the problem statement and one or more solution strategies to be employed by the government, individuals or organisations in addressing the problem.

Focus areas:

Journalists with five years experience and below will be required to identify and research on solutions stories around these areas:

*Wildlife and conservation
*Climate change as it affects biodiversity
*Agric and relevant issues.

Interested freelancers/journalists will be required to fill in a story idea template providing further details on the story idea.

Please see below a template which should be filled and sent to our Editor via

(Your full name)



Social media handles:
Facebook….. Twitter……….

Ayobami Ayodele
(Project Manager)
Animal Times Africa

Title: (The proposed title of your story)

Problem Statement (Give a brief on what issue your proposed story is tied to and the problem(s) you want it to solve (2 paragraphs)

*Best two story ideas shall be supported with a token of $10 each or its equivalence in Naira. The stories would be published on

*Non commissioned stories shall also have publishing opportunity on the website provided they are publishable.

*Story with the best visit on the website after 30 days shall be recognised.

For further inquiries, please send an email to

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