Call for data-journalism training on extractive industry


Journalists knowledgeable about the extractive industry in Nigeria have been invited to apply for a two-day class on Data Journalism.

Deadline for the application is June 10.

Applicants are expected to send a sample of a short piece they have written on the extractive industry to

The training is supported by Natural Resource Governance Institute.

Extractive industry according to the refers to processes that involve the extraction of raw materials from the earth to be used by consumers.

It consists of any operations that remove metals, mineral and aggregates from the earth. Examples of extractive processes include oil and gas extraction, mining, dredging and quarrying.

About 3.5 billion people according to World Bank  live in countries rich in oil, gas or minerals.

With good governance and transparent management, the banks says the revenues from extractive industries can have an impact on reducing poverty and boosting shared prosperity, while respecting community needs and the environment.

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