Becoming an excellent and impactful female journalist

Lekan Otufodunrin, Managing Editor writes on suggestions for female journalists on how to excel in the profession at the webinar on Monday, March 15 by the #ReportWomenNetwork to mark International Women’s Day 2021.

Sharon Ijasan of Television Continental and Theodora Aidoo, a Ghanaian multimedia journalist @Face2faceAFRICA are two graduates of the Nigerian Institute of Journalism (NIJ) the institution should be very proud of.

They have both excelled in the very competitive media industry where women have to try harder than men to prove their mettle. They are fellows of the prestigious Wole Soyinka Centre for Investigative Journalism (WSCIJ) Female Reporters Leadership Fellowship and a member of the #ReportWomenNetwork.

Ijasan, the 2018 Television Reporter of the Year in the Wole Soyinka Award for Investigative Reporting spoke on writing and producing impactful stories, while Aidoo shared tips on How to excel in different Genres as a young female journalist during the webinar on Monday, March 15 by the #ReportWomenNetwork to mark the International Women’s Day 2021 moderated by Amaka Okoye, also a fellow, of ARISE Television.

2017 Fellows

With the benefit of their experience and accomplishments, they shared insights on how young female journalists can be excellent and impactful in their practice and from the responses of some of the participants, they got the necessary advice for achieving their career goals.

Ijasan counselled that to produce impactful stories, female journalists must listen more to those they are covering, research extensively on the topic of coverage and ensure good story treatment.

“Follow the money and very importantly, know that the story is not about you. As a female reporter and journalist, making long term impact should be taken into cognisance rather than going viral.”

Despite the challenges they may face due to the gender disparity in the industry, Ijasan said female journalists should know what they want and go for it, adding that when necessary, they should find role models and get people who can support them.

“Never be afraid to tell your story as long as it is fact-checked and you are sure it is the truth. Whatever story you do, ensure to have a balance.”

To ensure having more women in media reports, Ijasan urged female journalists to always celebrate women in their stories and have their views reports.

As a Multimedia journalist, Aidoo stressed the need to be highly organized, think creatively and be able to use a computer, Content Management system, Photo and Video Camera, Social media and edit (audio and video).

“To excel as a multimedia journalist, you need to learn everything you need to know and be ready for the opportunity when it comes.”


2018 Fellows

As difficult as it may seem to move from print to broadcast or online which she has experienced, Aidoo said female journalists should be encouraged that there are already many young female journalists across the globe doing amazing things and should not be intimidated by any challenge.

“ You can Excel anywhere no matter your geographical location.

“You are a limited edition. You are not limited by your gender

“You can achieve anything you set your heart to

“You are enough.”

Her nine-point suggestions are:

+Believe in God. Believe in yourself also.

+Read and Write Always – Write/Talk about what you really care about.

+Have integrity.

+Be bold and create a niche for yourself. Inability to trust in ourselves is a major problem with females. Please believe in yourself.

+Be useful and garner experience. Learn before detaching. You need relevant experience to succeed on your own.

+Get an education. Develop skills that are beyond journalism. If you need more money, get more skills.

+Work hard and smart. Create time for what you need to do. Don’t say there is no time.

+Plan Your Future. As a female journalist, you can be whatever you want to be, the only person that can stop you is you.

+ Have the right ATTITUDE

2019 Fellows

Report Women Network advocates equitable reporting and female leadership in the media.

To learn more about its activities follow at @ReportWomen #ReportWomen

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