As Elewodalu bows out of VON

Abdulwarees Solanke, Deputy Director, Strategic Planning and Corporate Development Department Voice of Nigeria writes on the retirement of the Director of News of Voice of Nigeria, Austeen Elewodalu.


The last Board of Management meeting of Voice of Nigeria which turned out to be a Valedictory for Mr. Austeen Elewodalu was a most emotional one for many of us.

Mr. Elewodalu who is  now retired  from the nation’s international service public broadcaster about a fortnight ago, having attained the maximum age in service joined  VON in 2000. He had earlier worked  since the late 80s at The Punch and ThisDay Newspapers.

At the management  meeting, we poured out our hearts as we know him as a thoroughbred professional journalist and a man of integrity.

A defender of truth and just causes, Elewodalu, a detailed reporter and journalist of conscience thrived in VON for more than the past two decades.

As he bows of VON, we will miss this eminent journalist recognized by the Guild of Nigerian Editors, garlanded as a fellow of the prestigious body.

READ ALSO: ‘VON’s lost asset, a sister and friend I will miss’

Baba Austenex,  here is wishing  you the best in your future endeavour as you bring to bear on larger society the rich experiences you garnered in your distinguished career as an uncompromising journalist, inimitable editor and profound, detailed  and incisive public affairs analyst whose several interventions have helped to shape public opinion and positively guide the direction of public discourses thereby contributing in your way with your  thoughts, words and pen to nation building.

Nonetheless, we believe you still have much to offer, not just VON but  the entire Nigerian media community your patriotic insights at a time the nation is fast losing incisive  public commentators who constitute the real conscience of the nation.

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