April 17 deadline for CNN/Multichoice African Journalist Award

April 17, 2013 is the deadline for submission of entries for the CNN/Multichoice African Journalist Awards 2013.

Requirements for  entry according to information available on the organiser’s website www.edition.cnn.com are as follows:


Who can enter

You must be an African National, working on the continent for African owned, or headquartered, media organisations. Your work must have appeared in printed publications or electronic media that is primarily targeted at and received by an African audience.

What the judges are looking for

Our panel of independent, highly respected and experienced judges are in pursuit of excellence. They will be looking for entries which:

  • Tell the story in a balanced, comprehensive and objective manner
  • Demonstrate journalistic integrity and resourcefulness
  • Communicate the story in a way that makes the topic accessible and relevant to their audience
  • Display well organised research and insight
  • Was broadcast or published, in English, French or Portuguese only, between January and December 2012 with proof supplied

Entries must be received at the collection points by 17th April 2013, no exceptions will be made. Entries received after this date may be disqualified.

The Prizes

The journalists selected by our panel of judges will enjoy an all expenses paid finalists’ programme of networking activities and workshops, culminating in the Gala Awards Ceremony. Each finalist will receive a cash prize, with each category winner also receiving a laptop computer and printer.

The CNN MultiChoice African Journalist 2013 Award winner will be selected from the category winners and will receive an additional cash prize and will have the opportunity to participate in the CNN Journalism Fellowship at CNN Headquarters in Atlanta.

How to enter

  • English entries can be submitted using the online entry form (www.cnnmcaja.cnn.com) or by using a paper copy of the entry form (which can be printed from this website).
  • You can only enter a maximum of 2 stories across all categories. Please carefully review your work of 2012 and enter your best story/stories in the most suitable category. You may enter a maximum of 2 stories, either both into a single category or 1 each into different categories. Please send your entry/entries in one envelope.
  • Fill in all the details requested on the relevant form, please print clearly and provide all requested information.
  • Ensure you include a copy of your up-to-date Curriculum Vitae and any background information on your entry/entries, that you feel relevant.
  • Send 2 copies of your work – Print journalists & cartoonists send the original article and a clean, legible photocopy of the entry; Online please send full URL details (No print outs will be accepted); TV & Radio – please send 2 disks/tapes (DVD/VHS or CD); Photojournalist – please send original photo(s) and CD containing your picture(s).
  • Get your entry to the collection point nearest to you by 17th April 2013 – NO EXTENSION WILL BE MADE TO THIS DATE..

For more details check http://edition.cnn.com/WORLD/africa/africanawards/submit.html

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