African Courier publisher elected President NIDO Germany


Germany based publisher of The African Courier, Mr Femi Awoniyi has been elected President of the Nigerians in Diaspora Organization (NIDO) Germany.

He was elected unopposed by members of the organization for a two-year term at its Annual General Meeting on Saturday 26th June 2021.

Awoniyi, a journalist and media consultant who studied Engineering was the immediate past General Secretary of NIDO Germany.

He has been a publisher for 21 years and is passionate about Africa’s recognition in the European media landscape.

In his appreciation speech, Awoniyi said he sought the position because “I believe that a well organized and actively engaged Nigerian diaspora is critical to solving the myriad problems confronting our nation, Nigeria”

Announcing his election in a Facebook post, Awoniyi said he was assuming the representation of a 72,000-strong community in the global Nigerian Diaspora with the utmost sense of responsibility.

” I pay tributes to our compatriots – gallant leaders and dedicated members, who have committed their time, their talent and their financial and other resources to the pursuit of a vibrant organised Nigerian diaspora in Germany and globally.

” NIDO was conceived to promote the welfare of the Nigerian diaspora as well as an agency for Nigerian development. I believe in the great potential of the organisation and dedicate myself to playing an active role in making it fulfil its potential.”

Founded in 2000, NIDO, Germany is a nonprofit organization registered in Berlin. The organization was conceived to promote the welfare of the Nigerian Diaspora as well as an agency for Nigerian development.

It focuses on expert networking, societal advocacy, education, culture, health care, technological and economic empowerment projects.


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