Call for chapters in communication book

By Kelechi Amakoh

Are you a specialist  on  Information and Communication Technologies, (ICT)? Would you like to contribute chapters to a yet to be published book of readings on ICT, Communication and the Society: Trends, Issues and Prospects?

If yes, there is an opportunity to contribute  to the new book scheduled for  release  on March 6, 2014.

The editors of the yet to be published Peer-Reviewed Book of Readings are Godwin B. Okon, Ph.D, Mass Communication Department, Rivers State University of Science and Technology and Obiageli Pauline Ohiagu, Ph.D, Department of Linguistics and Communication Studies,University of Port Harcourt.

Judging by the impact of Information and Communication Technologies in our digital age, the book according to the editors is “to take a critical approach at how Information and Communication Technologies impact on the various fields of communication and the society at large.

“It promises to explore the significant trends, fresh challenges and prospects of ICT in a communication driven society.”

For contributors, the suggested titles as follows :  

1           ICT and emerging trends in broadcasting.

2        Digitalization of broadcasting: challenges and benefits.

3        ICT and the communication of development policies in rural communities.

4            ICT and indigenous culture.

5        ICT and perspectives on global culture.

6           Promoting African cultural practices through media interface.

7           Public relations practice in the new media age.

8           Advertising practice in the new media age.

9           ICT and the challenge of regulation.

10       Print journalism in the digital age.

11       Citizen journalism: expanding the journalism landscape through ICT.

12     Computer games and children

 NOTE: Contributors are not limited to the aforementioned topics

All chapter submissions must be made on or before December 31, 2013. The notification of initial acceptance will be on January 12, 2014.

Contributors will receive their reviewed papers on January 31, 2014 while submission of final corrected versions to the editors must be done by February 5, 2014.

Successful contributors whose chapters have been accepted at the initial assessment will be contacted to pay the assessment fee of two thousand naira (#2,000) for further review.


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