IPI conference: 18 ways to ensure good journalism


Lekan Otufodunrin who attended the 2018 International Press Institute World Congress in Abuja from June 21-23, 2018 shares 18 key points on how to ensure good journalism


Under the theme “Why Good Journalism Matters”, the World Congress was meant to affirm the indispensable role of quality media in building strong societies, showcasing investigative stories and projects that bring positive change to individuals and communities in Africa and around the world.


1.Good journalism matters but it should not be assumed that people know and appreciate this fact, especially because they have many options for getting what we offer.

We must assert this fact and continue to provide quality content for our audience.

2. We must be accountable for what we publish. We cannot behave as if we are above the standard we set for the government or the society. Our work must be value and ethics based.

Be transparent with your values.

3. No single business or revenue model can fund good journalism. A mix of the options, including corporate, private, not-for-profit, public-private partnerships are critical for survival,

4. While we must constantly be monitoring audience to serve them better, we must not allow indications by tech tools to lower our standard.

5. Become better story tellers by being part of everyday conversation and trending topics. Try new formats of story-telling using tools like infographics, maps, data etc.

We should learn from tech companies how to engage our readers.

6. Innovate to attract new audience. Find them wherever they are.

7. Good journalism can only be guaranteed by payment of living wages and decent working condition of service.

Avoid overworking your staff.

Good journalism takes time, cost money. We must tell stories that have impact.

8 Safety of journalists is crucial to good performance.

9. Pay attention to youth readers. Device how to cover them.

10. Explore cross boarder collaboration with other media organisations

11. People are hungry for compelling and investigative stories which require huge investment.

12. Training and capacity development is critical more than ever before.

13. Freedom of expression in newsrooms. We cannot be advocating for independence when we it is not guaranteed for our workers. Junior reporters should be able to demand for answers from senior colleagues on any work related issue.

14. Embrace digital in all aspects of operation and use various tools available to expand your reach. Diversify your products to earn more revenue.

15. Understand the eco-system and meet them where they are.

16. While competing with other media houses, explore collaboration and team up against laws and policies affecting the business.

17. Good journalism should be profitable by finding the appropriate revenue model. Use other platforms to reach your audience.

18. Beware of psychological challenges journalists are facing in doing their work. Lots of stress related issues that need to be attended to prevent declining productivity.

18. Have good representation of women in leadership of your organization and content.

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