MEDIA PROGRAMMES THISWEEK (November 15 – 21, 2021)


Details of media programmes ( Training, Conference, Awards, Workshops and others) in Nigeria and globally. 

MONDAY, November 15, 2021

*Deadline for Grant

@henry_nxumalo & @AIJC_Conference are offering grants of 1,000 – $5,000 to journalists to investigate health & development issues in six African countries: Kenya, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Uganda & South Africa.

Apply by November 15. (


TUESDAY, November 16, 2021


WEDNESDAY, November 17, 2021

*Africa Media Summit

The digital journey of leading African newsrooms

Role of print in building a trusted multiplatform newsmedia organisation

Transitioning readers to digital as newsroom resources shrink

Transformation of legacy media into leading content businesses

New Audience Strategies for growth in Africa Media

Technology and Advertising for African News Publishers – the threats and opportunities ahead

How new revenue models in Africa are changing the game

Times each day : 15:00-17:30 (South Africa Standard Time)

Register free:


THURSDAY, November 18, 2021

*ICFJ Webinar With Paul Adepoju, Community Manager, ICFJ

Title: Zoom Opportunities Hunting for Journalists

Time:  10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)/ 3 pm GMT


* Africa Media Summit

The digital journey of leading African newsrooms

Role of print in building a trusted multiplatform news media organisation

Transitioning readers to digital as newsroom resources shrink

Transformation of legacy media into leading content businesses

New Audience Strategies for growth in Africa Media

Technology and Advertising for African News Publishers – the threats and opportunities ahead

How new revenue models in Africa are changing the game

Wednesday and Thursday, November 17-18

Times each day: 15:00-17:30 (South Africa Standard Time)

Register free:

 FRIDAY, November 19, 2021

SATURDAY, November 20, 2021

*Professor Oluyinka Esan 60th Birthday Lecture

Title: Nigerian Broadcasting in a disinformation age: Critical Reflections

Time: 12 Noon

Zoom Link id: 88198076137

Pass Code: 123456


SUNDAY, November 21, 2021


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