21 journalists selected for Female Reporters Leadership Programme

Twenty-one female journalists in the county have been selected for the fourth edition of the Report Women! Female Reporters Leadership Programme (FRLP) organized by the Wole Soyinka Centre for Investigative Journalism (WSCIJ) with the support of the Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA).

They include journalists from print, broadcast and digital media with three to fifteen years experience. 

The participants according to the Centre will be equipped with the skills, finesse, support and tools to position them for the highest leadership roles in their media houses during a weeklong training and three months mentorship session. 

The training is aimed at increasing the female journalists with “leadership prowess to put conversations on various forms of violence against girls and women on the front burner while interrogating criminal justice issues of abuse.”

The opening ceremony of the programme will hold in Lagos on Monday, July 26. 

Click to see the full list of the 2021 cohort

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