3 Opportunities development journalists can apply for


Here are THREE opportunities development journalists in Nigeria can apply for this weekend.


1.  Call for Proposals on Underreported Stories in Africa.


The Pulitzer Center seeks story pitches for reporting projects on underreported issues impacting communities in sub-Saharan Africa, including water, land degradation, education, maternal health, & climate resilience.


The call places special emphasis on projects that inform behavior and policies that improve the lives of the communities reported on and  encourages local journalists to apply.

The call for proposal is on a rolling deadline. Read more about and apply for the opportunity here  


2. The Inequalities Reporting Fellowship’s call for applications

Nigerian full-time or freelance  journalists interested in data & how multiple inequalities impact development in the country  should apply for the third edition of the African Centre for Development Journalism’s Inequalities Reporting Fellowship 

The fellowship aims to build journalists’ capacity to report on inequality at sub-national levels across Nigeria. 

Successful applicants are expected to fully participate in all the fellowship activities that include a 2-day intensive training workshop in Lagos (tentatively planned for July 30 and 31), at least 4 weeks of mentoring and execution of a report having received a reporting grant. The reports will be published/broadcast by their media houses as well as the ACDJ website.

Read more about and apply for the fellowship here


3. HumAngle Foundation Calls for Applications to the HumAngle Technology and Civic Impact Fellowship.

Journalists, activists and civil society actors who are aged between 21 and 35 and resides in Nigeria can apply for this fellowship aimed at providing cutting-edge technology and innovation training to members of the civic society and other actors in the space.

Selected candidates will participate in a five-day  in-person training  in the FCT and a 3-month post-training period to allow the fellows practicalize their learnings

Learn more about the fellowship and apply here

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